Meet Wenya - OptionPundit's Newest Rising Star!
Jan 03, 2021Meet Wenya - Our Newest Rising Star.
Wenya hails from Singapore. As a soft spoken and unassuming person, Wenya, has worked in the IT industry for the past 10 years and was totally new to the financial markets prior to coming in contact with OptionPundit.
In 2020, after attending the Options Success Formula (OSF) program at OptionPundit, Wenya started to incorporate OSF mechanics into her trading style and has made 60% return on her portfolio over the past four and a months!
Tune in to see how her success change as her perspective on risk evolved, get her favorite strategies, and discover how she manages her trading time while balancing a career in IT.
This special series is called the "Rising Star". OptionPundit's Rising Star is someone who had made US$2,000+ or more real money profits since they started an options education program with OptionPundit. This is a great & inspirational milestone that is often looked upon by new traders to breakeven on their education tuition fee.
I hope this new series of interviews will inspire you to commit and take action for your financial well-being.
Use the comment section below to share key points you picked-up, or questions you have or to share thoughts on how we can make it better for future episodes.
Happy Trading,
Manoj Kumar
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