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Is TSLA a good buy before stock split?

tsla Aug 12, 2022

TESLA (TSLA) announced recently that it will split 3-for-1 on 24th August 2022, which is less than 2 weeks from now. Many investors have been wondering whether they should BUY Or SELL TSLA now before the actual split? How do you trade it for profit? What are the options strategies you can deploy to profit from this opportunity?

To answer your queries, we have done 2 separate OP LIVES - the first one we had Manoj and SK, one of our OP coaches sharing with us their insights into TESLA, their views on its fundamentals, valuations, technical setups as well as key levels that the investors should potentially look out for.

So is TESLA still a good buy or goodbye? Watch our 1st OP LIVE and you decide :)


Our 2nd OP LIVE was focusing more on the options trading strategies that investors could potentially trade for a profit in the upcoming weeks leading to stock split:

We hope you enjoyed both short videos and let us know if you have any questions or comments below :) I will be more than happy to answer them.

Happy trading :)

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